1.Note differences and Similarities between Digital and Film
DifferencesDigital can be proccessed in minutes (on a camera, computer and the Machines you get in the shops where you stick a memory card into it), where's Film can take upto 2 day to process. As you know film cannot be expossed to light if it is then you cannot get it developed, it is light senitive where's digital isn't.
Another difference is that film cames on reel and need chemicals to process it
Digital is digital done with a camera.
SimialritesThey both take still images.
2. Note and Discuss the file formatsJPEG - The computer crushes the image to as small as it can thats why some JPEG photo's don't come out as planed..
RAW File - The puretest form, its be untouched nothing has been done to it. RAW files is also the biggest form.
BMP file - is an uncompressed file image pixels are stored with a color depth of 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits per pixel.
3. Compare Image quality
RAW file is the best quailty you can get for a photo! Its purest form, untouched if you were to import it onto Photo Shop and then save it your chances are the computer will change the format of the Picture to JPEG.
JPEG file is not the best quality picture you can get. Its a crushed file when I say crushed I mean the computer have compressed the file to a smaller form so it won't take up so much space.
Comparing RAW file to JPEG, BMP File RAW file is the best quailty but the biggest. Where JPEG is tiny compared to RAW files.
4. Discuss Pixel ratesThe higer the Pixels one a camera the better the image is going to be.
If you have a 3.5 Mega Pixels camera the pictures are not going to be the best in the world! If you have 12 mega Pixel camera you're photos are going to be in far better quailty then the lower Pixel rates. If you look at a photo carefully enough you see tiny little square their the pixels if you can see a more then you should that means that the camera has a low Pixel Rate.